lets get started

Elevate your mom game with Lena! Dive into a world of natural living tips, discover low-toxic essentials for your home, and explore feeding tools for joyful mealtimes. No more cold tea—let's make your mom journey smoother, easier and more enjoyable!

a Holistic 

I’m Lena Livinsky

Child Wellness Practitioner

and Feeding Specialist


yes, I need that!

A guide to help you rock a conversation with your clients 

Get started with rocking small talk in your business

Step 03

Give it to me!

10 Simple Steps to Show Up on Camera with Confidence

Get started with easily showing up on camera

Step 02


How to speak English with clarity and confidence? 

Get started with speaking clearly and confidently

Step 01

Download one of my powerful guides to help you speak with confidence, rock it on camera and amplify your message. 

whether you're scaling your business or just getting started, here is a list of some awesome free resources to help you succeed!

Are You a Multilingual Boss?

feeling stuck

Tired of feeling stuck when speaking English?

I've been there too.
BUT YOU DON’T HAVE to stay stuck.

When I was younger I felt invisible.  My fear of speaking up grew so large, that I felt as if my throat was blocked and I physically couldn't get my words out. It was a horrible feeling and it felt very lonely. 
I am now a podcaster and confident speaking coach, ready to take on any stage in the world, and I can help you do the same. 


About Lena

tune in

A chart-topping business podcast, dishing the BEST tips on how to communicate with more confidence and can’t-stop-listening interviews with the most inspiring and powerful entrepreneurs and bosses from around the world. 

for multilingual entrepreneurs

listen now

The Accented World Podcast


Fueled by equal parts tea and passion, I spend my days working with multilingual entrepreneurs and bosses, helping them speak, coach and lead in English with confidence.

If that's you, I want you to speak authentically and without fear, so the world can really hear what you have to say. Your voice is part of your personal brand and how you make your first impression on others. Let me help you make sure you wow them from the beginning!

In my free time I love nothing more than to curl up with a good novel, wearing fuzzy socks, while sipping a cup of tea.

Let’s Get to know each other

hi there!

I’m Lena Livinský

Wanna know more?

Speak English Like a Boss

Explore My Course


dolores g.

Lena always keeps it real. My favorite part was that she had the same struggles that I did, and not only got over those struggles but made it her mission to help other people overcome the same difficulties.

If you want to speak confidently you should always call Lena.

Aneta s.

After years of learning English, I did not expect to hear such surprising details about the pronunciation itself. I gained a lot of knowledge that no one has ever paid attention to during my English classes.

You will be surprised how easy English gets with Lena. 

saras f.

I loved Lena's course because she took the time to teach us the position of the tongue for every sound. This course gave me the confidence to speak and connect with others from an authentic place without feeling overwhelmed or embarrassed.

This course is a game-changer, that's for sure.

Stan h.

Lena has a wonderful way of breaking things down to a  structured, very easily understood approach. In the online sessions we went through the basic pillars of how to modify your accent, with just the right amount of practicing.

Lena is very passionate about passing her knowledge on.




I create custom packages for each and every one of my clients.

For more details on coaching packages and to find out more about pricing, please contact me. 


Investment Details

Ania r.

Lena is a wonderful teacher with a great passion, and I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning to speak with more confidence.


in 20 minutes a day or less!
Improving your accent doesn't have to take forever. Don't feel defeated when people ask you to repeat yourself or they misunderstand you. Learn how speak with more clarity today!

How to Speak English with Clarity and Confidence?

a guide for multilingual entrepreneurs