We live in a very toxic world.
As a result of that, at least 1 in 2 children struggles with a chronic disease. Luckily there are ways to help our children heal, no matter the diagnosis. Let me teach you how.

your child

I’m lena and I will help

thrive, grow and heal

using natural and holistic methods tailored to their unique needs

I still vividly remember how it all started. My dad took us to the pool. It was my first time at an actual pool, and I really couldn't wait to experience it. 

I remember the beautiful hotel where it was, the fun we had in the water and also this weird strong smell, which I later in life realized was chlorine. 

After a few days or perhaps weeks (that was almost 30 years ago so my memory is a bit blurry), I started to notice some skin irritation. All of a sudden, I was seeing some dry spots on my skin. I didn't think much of it, neither did my parents. But as the time went on, my skin never returned to normal. 

My parents took me to see a dermatologist and I was diagnosed with psoriasis (which is a rare disease to have in childhood).

At only 8 years old, my body couldn't take the toxic load around me, and thanks to my genetic predisposition to this, I developed inflammation which turned into an autoimmune disease. 

That was the beginning of a very long health journey, which took me from a regular careless child, to a very subconscious and anxious teenager and later adult.  

Even though the diagnosis felt like a life time sentence, which I was reassured about by countless conventional medicine doctors, later in life I realized that is not the case at all. 

When I was 8 years old, I got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

To be honest, it’s taken me years to realize what healthy living truly meant.

Today as I am writing this, I am on my way to healing and finally living my life without fear. Fear of judgement, fear of getting sick, fear of never being able to truly be comfortable in my own skin. 

There are a few factors that helped me get there:

  1. Becoming a mom, which really pushed me to my limits in the best way possible and wanting better for my son and his health. 
  2. Learning from people who truly understand the role of nature in the healing process 
  3. Being willing to try anything to get better, until i realized what truly moved the needle. 

This is exactly what I want to teach you. Let's not wait until your child is an adult like me to take control of their health. Let's find answers together, because let me tell you no matter the diagnosis, healing is possible!

Healing is not only possible, you can make it happen and change your child's life forever. 

Drumroll please! Now it's time for my 

Official Bio

Meet Paulina (Lena) Livinsky, a dedicated holistic child wellness provider, speech-language pathologist, and feeding specialist, who is passionate about helping children grow up healthy and happy. Lena's commitment to nurturing children's well-being goes beyond traditional methods, embracing a holistic approach that supports the entire family.

Lena is here to empower parents and caregivers to reclaim their children's health naturally, guiding their bodies back to balance and healing from within. She partners with families ready to embrace meaningful changes in their environment and lifestyle, unlocking their children's full potential.

By incorporating nutritional adjustments, reducing environmental toxins, detoxifying the body, and making essential lifestyle and mindset shifts, Lena provides a comprehensive path to wellness. 

Lena is currently also working on a pediatric sleep and development specialization, to help families sleep with research-based support that embraces responsiveness. 


Before I started my podcast the Accented World, I did some internal digging and worked unusual jobs to get there (waitressing at TGI Fridays, teaching English in Spain, becoming a resident assistant, running an accent modification clinic, etc.). 

Each job challenged me differently and forced me to come out of my comfort zone.  

After some time, It became very clear to me that everything in my life had *always* been leading and training me towards helping multilingual speakers express themselves and share their unique message with the world. 

for the dreamers…


I know better than anyone that crystallizing your voice so the world can really hear what you have to say and doing that in a foreign language is no walk in the park. 

But we’re doing ourselves a disservice if we aren’t sharing our gifts with people who need it and aren’t fully showing up as our authentic selves in our life and business. 

—Your clients have a difficult time understanding you or connecting on a deeper level
—You want to be free to fully express yourself in English 
—You are being judged when speaking in English (for example, you might be interrupted or dismissed no matter how deep or valuable your message is)
—You’re often misunderstood and asked to repeat yourself 
—You don’t think you can be successful because of all the words that you mispronounce or don’t know how to say properly 
You're nervous when speaking in public or on video but you know you need to do it to thrive in your business 

Now, I support conscious entrepreneurs and leaders like YOU

So if you’re a coach, digital course creator or a professional who’s ever felt like: 

polsky b.

Lena was highly committed to engaging us. I found her openness to "learning alongside the students" to be refreshing and encouraging.

In a Nutshell

Let’s Get to know each other

My sun and moon are both in Scorpio, and my ascendant sign is in Leo (in case you love astrology as much as I do!). I’ve visited 33 countries and counting, even flying over 24 hours to New Zealand. But I’m still the person holding on to the plane for dear life even for minor turbulence. 

currently sustained by 

dark chocolate + tea

dream vacation 

south africa 

on my nighstand 

how I built this
by guy raz

never say no to

reorganizing, buying new office supplies, fuzzy socks

on repeat 

anything by sara Bareilles

number one fan

fc Barcelona

personal blog posts 


favorite sitcoms

The office and schitt's creek

favorite childhood books

harry potter series and
anne of green gables

favorite animals

penguins! and my dog luna

happy place

madrid, spain


yes, I need that!

Struggling to sound authentic? Don't worry, not for much longer!

Get started with finding your true

Step 03

Give it to me!

10 Simple Steps to Show Up on Camera with Confidence

Get started with easily showing up on camera

Step 02


A Mini Guide for Speaking English with Clarity and Confidence

Get started with improving your accent

Step 01

Download one of my powerful guides to help you speak with confidence, get inspired, make small talk with your clients and amplify your message. 

Don't worry, here is a list of some awesome free resources to help get you started!

New Around Here?

Ania r.

Lena's course helped me understand the correct pronunciation and motivated me to practice working on my accent. I feel much more comfortable speaking English now. Lena is a wonderful teacher with a great passion, and I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning to speak with more confidence.

I feel much more comfortable speaking English now!

view next testionial

aneta s.

The professional way in which Lena conducts this course, the amount of reliable information and how much support, attention and warmth she gives are touching. 

I feel genuine gratitude for Lena showing me how to break my habits

view next testionial



in 20 minutes a day or less!
Improving your accent doesn't have to take forever. Don't feel defeated when people ask you to repeat yourself or they misunderstand you. Learn how speak with more clarity today!

How to Speak English with Clarity and Confidence?

a guide for multilingual entrepreneurs